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Step 3: Building the Add to Cart Functionality
Now that the structure of the DataTable has been completely built, we'll want to begin to add to the cart the specific items that the user selects from the drop down menu. Again, to do this, we simply construct new rows and add them to the appropriate position within the
cart. To construct the Add to Cart functionality, add the code below:Sub AddToCart(s As Object, e As EventArgs)
objDT = Session("Cart")
Dim Product = ddlProducts.SelectedItem.Text
objDR = objDT.NewRow
objDR("Quantity") = txtQuantity.Text
objDR("Product") = ddlProducts.SelectedItem.Text
objDR("Cost") = Decimal.Parse(ddlProducts.SelectedItem.Value)
Session("Cart") = objDT
dg.DataSource = objDT
You'll remember that the Button control had the
event that called theAddToCart()
subroutine. This subroutine contains all the code that's necessary to retrieve an existing cart from the Session
object if it exists, add new items to the cart, place the cart back into the session, and finally, bind to the DataGrid.As I mentioned, the first two lines of code retrieve the cart from the session if it exists, and retrieve the product selected from the drop down menu. As you have already created a new instance of the
class, you can create the new rows for the specific columns within the DataTable.You'll notice that we set the
column equal to the value of the quantity text box control, and set the Product
column equal to the text value of the drop down menu selection. We then convert the value of the drop down menu, which is cost, into a decimal value for the cost column. Finally, we add the new row to the DataTable, add the DataTable to the Session, or overwrite it if it already exists, and bind the DataTable to the DataGrid.Test what you have so far in the browser. It should work fine, except for one problem. You'll see that if you select an item, add it to the cart, and then select the same item again, rather than adding the sum of the old quantity with the new quantity, it just creates a new row. You can fix this problem by modifying the
subroutine. Just below the code where you retrieve the item from the drop down menu, add the following loop to check within the DataTable for an existing product:Dim blnMatch As Boolean = False
For Each objDR In objDT.Rows
If objDR("Product") = Product Then
objDR("Quantity") += txtQuantity.Text
blnMatch = True
Exit For
End If
Now wrap the new code that adds a new row within a conditional statement.
If Not blnMatch Then
objDR = objDT.NewRow
objDR("Quantity") = Int32.Parse(txtQuantity.Text)
objDR("Product") = ddlProducts.SelectedItem.Text
objDR("Cost") = Decimal.Parse(ddlProducts.SelectedItem.Value)
End If
Basically, a new row will only be created if the product is not found within the cart. If it is found, however, it will simply adjust the quantity by whatever the user places into the quantity textbox control.
Step 4: Keeping the Order Total
The next step will be to build the function that keeps a running total of the cost of the items within the cart. This will be used to present the user with a working total as they add and remove items in the cart. You can add this functionality using the code below:
Function GetItemTotal() As Decimal
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim decRunningTotal As Decimal
For intCounter = 0 To objDT.Rows.Count -- 1
objDR = objDT.Rows(intCounter)
decRunningTotal += (objDR("Cost") * objDR("Quantity"))
Return decRunningTotal
End Function
You can see that this function simply loops through the rows in the DataTable, multiplies the quantity column by the cost column, and returns the result. The first step involves defining the functon. As you want to return a decimal value, make sure you define the function as a decimal. Next, we'll create two new variables: one as an integer and one as a decimal. Next, you loop through the rows within the DataTable and multiply the cost column for a specific row by the quantity for that row, and store it within the
variable. Finally, we'll return the value.The last step will be to write the value of the function into the label control. Add the following line to the end of the
subroutine -- this effectively writes the cost into the label control:lblTotal.Text = "$" & GetItemTotal()
Save your work and run it in a browser. This time, as you add items to the cart, a total is presented within the label control. Fantastic! Now, the last part we'll discuss involves removing items from the cart.
Step 5: Removing Items from the Cart
Now that a working model of the shopping cart has been constructed, we'll want to add the next bit of functionality: removing items from the cart. Obviously you can see the importance of this: you want users to be able to add and remove any and all items to or from the shopping cart as required. Add the functionality for removing items from the cart using the following subroutine:
Sub Delete_Item(s As Object, e As DataGridCommandEventArgs)
objDT = Session("Cart")
Session("Cart") = objDT
dg.DataSource = objDT
lblTotal.Text = "$" & GetItemTotal()
End Sub
This subroutine, which we'll associate with the DataGrid in a minute, simply dumps the contents of the session into a new
object, deletes the specific row that a user clicked, and then places the revised DataTable back into the Session
variable for storage. Finally we re-bind to the DataGrid and update the total by calling theGetItemTotal()
function.You'll want to note that one of the parameters being passed into the subroutine is that of the
. Without this parameter, we wouldn't be able to determine which item within the DataGrid the user selected.The last step will be to modify the DataGrid. You will need to add a new
column, as well as a new event, to call the Delete_Item
subroutine. The new DataGrid should resemble the following code:<asp:DataGrid id=dg runat="server" ondeletecommand="Delete_Item">
<asp:buttoncolumn buttontype="LinkButton"
commandname="Delete" text="Remove Item" />
Save your work and run it in the browser. This time you can add products and remove them freely!
As you have seen, building your own shopping cart isn't very difficult. The great thing about building your own cart is that it is completely customizable -- and you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars for an extension suite that you end up having to learn anyway.
As you have seen, building your own shopping cart isn't very difficult. The great thing about building your own cart is that it is completely customizable -- and you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars for an extension suite that you end up having to learn anyway.
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